Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Days 9-12

Day 9: best physical feature

Wow... So not something I would ever CHOOSE to write on! Uh... My eyes? I dig that they change colors and the shape. I do wonder why the lashes on my left eye are short and curled and the right eye they are long and straight and stubborn. Need to master the false lashes! But yeah, my eyes are my best physical feature. And now I am moving on. :-)

Day 10: A Few Of My Favorite Things
We'll for starters, that song and that movie! 
Favorite color: black, for real. Don't tell me it's not a color, I don't care if it is or isn't.
Favorite food: roasted chicken with couscous and capers at this killer restaurant in chandler AZ called  Sauté 
Favorite number: 11 for the greatest Mariner Edgar Martinez
Favorite sport: FOOTBALL
Team: der... Seahawks
Player: Golden Tate
Favorite movies: Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Dirty Dancing, Sweet Home Alabama, Coyote Ugly, My Fair Lady, So I Married An Axe Murderer
Favorite TV show: ever: FRIENDS current: Grey's Anatomy, Black List, Bones, CSI, Hostage
Favorite pastime: walking or playing at the beach
I'm fresh outta favorites...

Day11: Outfit Of The Day
Well, this was for yesterday so, that would be skinny jeans and a green top. Good portion of the day was sweats though.

Day 12: Things That Make Your Day
A good cup of coffee, a trip to the beach, hanging out with a friend, a catch up phone call with a friend or sibling, hearing "I love you" from loved ones.  A good book, a random compliment, helping someone else in whatever way I can. When it seems so simple but means the world to them... Going to the movies! I love movies, so that is a great one for me!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Challenge Day 8: Worst Habits

Worst Habits

"If offensive habits go unnoticed or unchanged in a person's life, it will limit the quality and health of otherwise great relationships. On the flip side of the coin, a person who recognizes and changes their own annoying, negative habits, makes themselves a great candidate for the admiration and appreciation of others"  a tiny taste of an INCREDIBLE book, Forces That Form Your Future, by Kevin Gerald, from the chapter The Force of Habits. GET IT!

I have bad habits, some I am probably not even aware of. Some of you are probably thinking of some of mine for me. I can be overly sarcastic and can't always turn it off when I should. I interrupt and I really hate when I do it. I can't shut up and listen sometimes! Sometimes I leave a conversation and think, "dang it! I didn't even ask them how their day was!!!" Eye contact makes me nervous sometimes. I don't exercise as much as I should. Sometimes not at all. I watch too much TV.

The best part about bad habits, is knowing that you have the power, and the choice, to break them. In the book I quoted, Kevin talks about replacing bad habits with good ones. Don't obsess over breaking the bad habit, focus on making a new one. When I talk to people, I focus on asking them questions about their day/life before I answer much of anything. It is not a habit yet, but I'm working on it. One habit at time.... I may never chose to break the sarcasm habit. Maybe try to dial it down... Out loud at least.

Anyway, that is my thought on worst habits...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Days 1-7

Day 1: 20 facts about me...... Aren't you excited?
1) I love the 80's (music, movies) but I am not stuck in them
2) Thanksgiving and 4th of July are my favorite holidays
3) The ocean is my happy place
4) I refuse to play Christmas music until Thanksgiving no matter how much I love it.
5) My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption
6) and Forrest Gump. Couldn't pick only 1if you paid me
7) I really have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you
8) If you don't get that, I feel sad for you.
9) crackers with milk is my ultimate comfort food
10) I spend most of my weekends in church and I love it
11) I love reading my Bible... For real
12) I hate that people have large dogs in small yards and they bark all the time. It's cruel. (Dog is currently barking)
13) I am procrastinating cleaning my house right now.
14) I homeschool my youngest kid again and she loves it and she has class once a week too.
15) I know how to properly use to, too, and two in a sentence. As well as there, they're, and their. Do you?
16) my favorite thing to do as a kid was play outside. Kick the can, sardines, flag football, bikes, tag, building forts... Nothing to do with electronics.
17) I feel old for complaining about that...
18) my husband is my best friend
19) I love movies, and theater, and improv, and I am so glad my son does too.
20) Told you I could use them in a sentence properly.

Day 2: My favorite quotes:
"If you want something you've never had, do something you've never done."
"Saying I love you has nothing to do with meaning it" maroon 5
"I would rather walk in the dark with a friend than alone in the light" Helen Keller
"The most incredible thing about miracles, is that they do happen" GK Chesterton
"Nobody puts baby in a corner"
"Get busy living or get busy dying" Shawshank
"Me and Jenny was like peas and carrots again"
"The truth never defends itself" Steve Taylor

Day 3: Ways to win my heart
Simple... Be there.

Day 4: Songs I currently love
This is how we do
All things Maroon 5
In the Name of Jesus
Awake my soul
No Rain
Sweet Home Alabama
Over Me

Day 5: fears
Not going there... Yes, I have them. Everyone does. I refuse to give them power, I choose to conquer them.

Day 6: pet peeves
Many drivers in California.
When people can't use their words properly in a sentence. ( see day 1)
When people put an S in the name Nordstrom
Mail never coming at the same time every day
Bad editing in movies... But I also love finding the mistakes! Potential career change maybe?

Day 7: What's in my bag????
Currently, there is some loose change, 13 dollars, my bank card, license, receipt from SeaWorld, my car key, and Chapstick. Bare minimum for theme parks.