Thursday, November 7, 2013

Days 1-7

Day 1: 20 facts about me...... Aren't you excited?
1) I love the 80's (music, movies) but I am not stuck in them
2) Thanksgiving and 4th of July are my favorite holidays
3) The ocean is my happy place
4) I refuse to play Christmas music until Thanksgiving no matter how much I love it.
5) My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption
6) and Forrest Gump. Couldn't pick only 1if you paid me
7) I really have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you
8) If you don't get that, I feel sad for you.
9) crackers with milk is my ultimate comfort food
10) I spend most of my weekends in church and I love it
11) I love reading my Bible... For real
12) I hate that people have large dogs in small yards and they bark all the time. It's cruel. (Dog is currently barking)
13) I am procrastinating cleaning my house right now.
14) I homeschool my youngest kid again and she loves it and she has class once a week too.
15) I know how to properly use to, too, and two in a sentence. As well as there, they're, and their. Do you?
16) my favorite thing to do as a kid was play outside. Kick the can, sardines, flag football, bikes, tag, building forts... Nothing to do with electronics.
17) I feel old for complaining about that...
18) my husband is my best friend
19) I love movies, and theater, and improv, and I am so glad my son does too.
20) Told you I could use them in a sentence properly.

Day 2: My favorite quotes:
"If you want something you've never had, do something you've never done."
"Saying I love you has nothing to do with meaning it" maroon 5
"I would rather walk in the dark with a friend than alone in the light" Helen Keller
"The most incredible thing about miracles, is that they do happen" GK Chesterton
"Nobody puts baby in a corner"
"Get busy living or get busy dying" Shawshank
"Me and Jenny was like peas and carrots again"
"The truth never defends itself" Steve Taylor

Day 3: Ways to win my heart
Simple... Be there.

Day 4: Songs I currently love
This is how we do
All things Maroon 5
In the Name of Jesus
Awake my soul
No Rain
Sweet Home Alabama
Over Me

Day 5: fears
Not going there... Yes, I have them. Everyone does. I refuse to give them power, I choose to conquer them.

Day 6: pet peeves
Many drivers in California.
When people can't use their words properly in a sentence. ( see day 1)
When people put an S in the name Nordstrom
Mail never coming at the same time every day
Bad editing in movies... But I also love finding the mistakes! Potential career change maybe?

Day 7: What's in my bag????
Currently, there is some loose change, 13 dollars, my bank card, license, receipt from SeaWorld, my car key, and Chapstick. Bare minimum for theme parks.

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