Friday, November 8, 2013

Challenge Day 8: Worst Habits

Worst Habits

"If offensive habits go unnoticed or unchanged in a person's life, it will limit the quality and health of otherwise great relationships. On the flip side of the coin, a person who recognizes and changes their own annoying, negative habits, makes themselves a great candidate for the admiration and appreciation of others"  a tiny taste of an INCREDIBLE book, Forces That Form Your Future, by Kevin Gerald, from the chapter The Force of Habits. GET IT!

I have bad habits, some I am probably not even aware of. Some of you are probably thinking of some of mine for me. I can be overly sarcastic and can't always turn it off when I should. I interrupt and I really hate when I do it. I can't shut up and listen sometimes! Sometimes I leave a conversation and think, "dang it! I didn't even ask them how their day was!!!" Eye contact makes me nervous sometimes. I don't exercise as much as I should. Sometimes not at all. I watch too much TV.

The best part about bad habits, is knowing that you have the power, and the choice, to break them. In the book I quoted, Kevin talks about replacing bad habits with good ones. Don't obsess over breaking the bad habit, focus on making a new one. When I talk to people, I focus on asking them questions about their day/life before I answer much of anything. It is not a habit yet, but I'm working on it. One habit at time.... I may never chose to break the sarcasm habit. Maybe try to dial it down... Out loud at least.

Anyway, that is my thought on worst habits...

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